Agricultural applications
Equipment, chemicals and tools for agriculture overlap with many industries, but also have some very specific fields of application. So for example, the Extech range of testing equipment will have many applications in agriculture and other industries.
We supply
ULV and thermal fogging equipment for cooling and disinfection. These are used in disinfection application for bacteria, fungi and viruses and insecticide application.
We supply equipment for soil and water testing of the many essential parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature, humidity, N, P, K and other soil elements amd more).The Lamotte range includes soil testing kits.
We supply weather stations, and remote soil sensing tools used in irrigation and other crop and soil manageent applications.
Under the category of soil management we can offer a wide range of tools and equipment. Please email your requirement to
Center Enamel industrial and agricultural tanks are supplied internationally and are supplied in modular form for quick installation.

Agricultural categories
Within the category of agricultural equipment, we can offer equipment under the following general grouping. The below list is imported from mostly Canada or China. Generally we focus on the more specialized items that are difficult to source as the more common goods can be found locally in various general stores.
Forestry, Fire Fighting & Tree Planting
Field Vests, Clothing & Hats
Auto Organizers & Sheet Holders
Boundary Markers & Flagging
Posted/Warning Signs, Tackers & Tags
Tree & Boundary Marking,Paint & Accessories
GPS Receivers & Accessories
Topo CD Maps, Atlases & GIS
Altimeters, Barometers & Watches
Educational Mapping & Orienteering Kits
Compasses, Transits & Clinometers
Cruising Tools, Relaskop & Calipers
Diameter/Logger’s Tapes, Prisms & Leaf Area Meter
Increment Borers, Bark Gauges & Data Collector
Tally Counters & Log Scale Sticks
Wood & Specialty Moisture Meters
Tree and Log Marking Tools
Portable Sawmills
Log Handling Tools, Saws & Chainsaws
Logger Safety Products, Hats, & Boots
Firefighting Protective Clothing, Shelters & Packs
Rescue Gear
Firefighting Pumps, Tanks, Hoses & Foam
Backpack Firefighting Pumps
Moisture Meters & Wind Meters
Drip Torches & Firefighting Tools
Tree Planting & Protection Supplies
Herbicides & Applicators
Arboriculture, Horticulture & Landscape
Spreaders, Harrows & ATV Equipment
Erosion Control & Landscape Fabrics
Fencing, Power Augers, & Drills
Mattocks, Shovels, Hoes & Rakes
Transplanting & Nursery Supplies
Parks & Recreation Equipment
Landscaping Equipment
Brush Cutters & Christmas Tree Knives
Pruners, Loppers & Hedge Shears
Tree Pruning & Trimming Saws
Climbing Equipment & Ropes
Tree Anchors & Protectors
Fertilizers, Irrigation & Garden Hoses
Soil Instruments, Kits & Thermometers
Environmental Science
Soil & Rock Color Charts
Soil Sampling Tools & Supplies
Geology Tools, Sieves & Screens
Water Testing Kits & Sampling Pumps
Drum & Tank Samplers & Bailers
Water Level Meters & Loggers
Stream Gauges, Fluorescent Dyes & UV Lights
Limnology, Fisheries & Wildlife
Flow Meters & Current Meters
Bottom Dredges & Sediment Samplers
Water Sampling Equipment
Light Meters & Secchi Discs
Field Kits, Plate & Sand Samplers
Nets & Fisheries Management
Lake & Pond Maintenance Tools
Bird Nesting Boxes
Deterrents, Snares & Traps
Bee Handling Accessories
Wildlife Handling Tools
Wildlife Management Equipment
Cameras, Binoculars & Scopes
Educational & Laboratory Equipment
FSI F.I.E.L.D. Kits & GLOBE Kits
Electrical Circuit Education &
Air Quality Kits
Soil, Water, & GREEN Program Kits
Aquatics, Biology & Chemistry Kits
Educational Posters
Mineral & Fossil Kits
Bird Cameras & Time Lapse Cameras
Animal Skulls
Botanical/Entomological Equipment
Dissection Tools
Microscopes & Magnifiers
Calipers, Scales & Balances
Eyewash, Lab Ovens & Aprons
Labware & Detergent
Lab, IR Thermometers & Temp Meters
Weather Instruments
Psychrometers & Hygrometers
Rain Gauges & Evaporation Station
Data Loggers
Weather Alert Monitors
Weather Stations
Mapping, Surveying & Engineering
GIS Instruments & Total Stations
Prisms & Range Poles
Digital Theodolites & Data Collectors
Levels & Rotary Lasers
Auto Levels, Transit Levels & Tripods
Abney Levels & Hand Levels
Leveling Rods & Measuring Rods
Measuring Tapes & Rules
Distance Measurers & Rangefinders
Vehicle Distance Measurers
All Weather Field Books & Paper
Surveying Accessories & Locators
Portable Radios & Megaphones
Traffic Safety
Aerial Targets, Stereoscopes & Planimeters
Map/Area Scales & Drafting Aids
Shipping Tubes, Plan Files & Cabinets
Protective Wear & First Aid Products
Emergency Eyewash Station
Safety Glasses & Goggles
Hard Hats, Caps & Accessories
Hearing Protection
Protective Coveralls
Work Gloves & Body Support
Rain Suits, Life Vests & Safety Gear
Cold Weather Gear & Snow Shoes
Waders, Boots & Chaps
Snake Boots, Leggings & Chaps
Tick & Insect Repellents
Poison Plant Relief
First Aid Kits & Rescue Gear
Outdoor Gear
Water Coolers, Gatorade & Ice Chests
Water Packs & Purification Systems
Cooking Equipment & Portable Tables
Camping & Rescue Gear
Backpacks, Frames & Duffle Bags
Power Inverters & Generators
Flashlights, Spot Lights & Batteries
Multi tools, Knives & Sharpeners
Tools and Equipment
Tools, Tool Bags & Storage Boxes
Tie Downs, Tow Straps & Jacks
Battery Chargers & Jumper Cables
Truck Boxes
Fuel Stabilizers & Treatment
Pumps & Drum Accessories
Waste Cans, Storage Cabinets,Gas & Oil Containers
Reference Books & Materials
Arboriculture & Forestry Reference
Horticulture & Landscape Reference
Environmental & Geology Reference
Wildlife Management Reference
Forest & Wildlife 2015
Safety Vests, Tamiami Shirts, and Hats
Chestpacks, Briefcases and RAM Mounts
Tally Counters, Tally Books, & Notebooks
Signs, Flagging and Marking Tools
Aluminum Tags and Stake Flags
Tree Marking Guns and Tools
Tree Marking and Boundary Paint
GPS Units and TOPO Maps
Compasses and Atlases
Clinometers and Compasses
Plot Center Sticks and Increment Borers
Hypsometers and Distance Measurer
Electronic Clinometers and Compasses
Rangefinder/Hypsometers, Dendrometer
Spiegel Relaskop, Calipers & Densitometer
Logger’s Tape, Diameter Tape & Prisms
Hard Hats and Chain Saw Chaps
Chain Saws, Cant Hook and Axe
Firefighting Pumps and Tools
Drip Torches
OST, KBC and Dibble Bars
Absorbent and Fertilizer Tablets
Shovels, Spades and Hoedads
Tree Planting Bags
Tree Protectors
Forestry Suppliers’ Rakes and Shovels
Pole Saw, Pruners and Pruning Saws
Hog Traps and Snares
Wildlife Body Traps and Lure
Live Capture Traps
Squirrel Trap and Raccoon Traps
Animal Restraining Pole and Capture Nets
Handling Gloves for Animals and Reptiles
Reptile Tongs and Snake Hooks
Snake Boots
Brush Chaps and Brush Clearing Tools
Game Cameras
Field Manuals
Deer Herd Management Tools
Sprayers and Herbicides
Harrows, Spreaders and Repellent
Fish Board
Stealth 1200 Boat
Traceable® Digital Calipers
Scales and Balance
LaCrosse® Hip Boots and Boots
Scrusher® Boot Cleaner
Peet Power Cell Shoe Dryer
Field Boots
Rain Suits and Waders
Pocket Guide to Hydric Soil Field Indicators
Binoculars and Spotting Scope
Cameras and Night Vision Monocular
Nesting Boxes
Cutrine-Plus Algaecide/Herbicide
Tick and Insect Repellent
Streamlight® Waypoint® LED Spotlight
Princeton Tec® Sync® Headlamp
Tents, Backpacks and Coolers
Insect Shield® Technical Field Shirt
Insect Shield® Cargo Pants