Asphalt and Asphalt Mixture
Thermometer -58 to +300 C (Celsius and Fahrenheit scales)

Civil works type equipment we can supply:
- Digital Display Asphalt Centrifuge Extractor
- Digital Display Asphalt Ductilometer
- Full Automatic Asphalt Softening Point Meter (Ring and Ball Apparatus)
- Digital Automatic Marshall Compactor
- Digital Marshall Stability Tester
- Double Digital Asphalt Penetrometer (Electric Lifting)
- Automatic Asphalt Penetration Apparatus
- Asphalt Mixture Maximum Theory Density Meter
- Rotating Bituminous Membrane Oven
- Saybolt Viscometer
- Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester
- Blender (Vertical 20L)
- Automatic Asphalt Softening Point Meter (Ring and Ball Apparatus)
- Bitumen Content Furnace by Ignition Method
- Digital Constant Temperature Water Bath
- Non-Nuclear Density Apparatus
- B Type Asphalt Mixture Gyratory Test Machine