Micron Mesh

Micron to mesh to inch to millimeter conversion tables

Enquires to aqua@ecotao.co.za 

Micron mesh tables

Use the below tables to convert between micron, mesh, millimeter and inch units.

A mesh could have a specification such as “POLYESTER  65/37”. This would be a 65 micron square hole and a 37 micron strand width making the mesh screen.



Another version for conversion between US mesh count, micron, inches and millimeters

Conversion of US mesh to microns and inches
Conversion of US mesh to microns and inches


Properties of nylon, polyester, polypropylene and polyethylene


Mesh suitability depends on the application temperature and pH. Nylon is more temperature resistant, while polyethylene is more acid resistant.

ASTM and ISO test sieve micron sizes

ISO sieves and ASTM test sieves are similar in their range for industrial applications.

Test sieves, ISO and ASTM versions
ASTM E11 Opening SizeISO 565, 3310-1 Opening Size

4in (100.0mm)

3-1/2in (90.0mm) 
3in (75.0mm) 
2-1/2in (63.0mm)


2.12in (53.0mm)53.0mm
2in (50.0mm)50.0mm
1-3/4in (45.0mm)45.0mm
1-1/2in (37.5mm)37.5mm
1-1/4in (31.5mm)31.5mm
1.06in (26.5mm)26.5mm
1in (25.0mm)25.0mm
7/8in (22.4mm)22.4mm
3/4in (19.0mm)19.0mm
5/8in (16.0mm)16.0mm
0.530in (13.2mm)13.2mm
1/2in (12.5mm)12.5mm
7/16in (11.2mm)11.2mm
3/8in (9.5mm)9.5mm
5/16in (8.0mm)8.0mm
0.265in (6.7mm)6.7mm
1/4in (6.3mm)6.3mm
No.3-1/2 (5.6mm)5.6mm
No.4 (4.75mm)4.75mm
No.5 (4.0mm)4.00mm
No.6 (3.35mm)3.55mm
1/8in (3.15mm) *Not a standard ASTM size3.15mm
No.7 (2.8mm)2.80mm
No.8 (2.36mm)2.36mm
No.10 (2.0mm)2.00mm
No.12 (1.7mm)1.70mm
No.14 (1.4mm)1.40mm
No.16 (1.18mm)1.18mm
No.18 (1.0mm)1.00mm
No.20 (850µm)850µm
No.25 (710µm)710µm
No.30 (600µm)600µm
No.35 (500µm)500µm
No.40 (425µm)425µm
No.45 (355µm)355µm
No.50 (300µm)300µm
No.60 (250µm)250µm
No.70 (212µm)212µm
No.80 (180µm)180µm
No.100 (150µm)150µm
No.120 (125µm)125µm
No.140 (106µm)106µm
No.170 (90µm)90µm
No.200 (75µm)75µm
No.230 (63µm)63µm
No.270 (53µm)53µm
No.325 (45µm)45µm
No.400 (38µm)38µm
No.450 (32µm)32µm
No.500 (25µm)25µm
No.635 (20µm)20µm