Lamotte microbiological tests
Lamotte biopaddles
See this document forBiopaddle identification, storage, sampling method and incubation.
What are biopaddles?
Some competing products are called dipslides. BioPaddles® are flexible dual-agar paddles each containing microbe-specific media enclosed in a
sterile vial. Identify and quantify microbes in air, soil, water, or any surface! BioPaddles do not require
any other testing equipment – only a magnifier and warm place (35°C or incubator) are needed.
sterile vial. Identify and quantify microbes in air, soil, water, or any surface! BioPaddles do not require
any other testing equipment – only a magnifier and warm place (35°C or incubator) are needed.
Biopaddle order codes and description
The following are the product codes and description:
![Biopaddle codes](
Coliform testing
These presence-absence type tests are for coliforms and E. coli.
![Total coliform screening kit](
![coliform bacteria screening kit](
Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART)
With these tests you can check for slime forming bacteria, monitor for Iron Related Bacteria (IRB), Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) and Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (HAB).