Lamotte microbiological tests
Lamotte biopaddles
See this document forBiopaddle identification, storage, sampling method and incubation.
What are biopaddles?
Some competing products are called dipslides. BioPaddles® are flexible dual-agar paddles each containing microbe-specific media enclosed in a
sterile vial. Identify and quantify microbes in air, soil, water, or any surface! BioPaddles do not require
any other testing equipment – only a magnifier and warm place (35°C or incubator) are needed.
sterile vial. Identify and quantify microbes in air, soil, water, or any surface! BioPaddles do not require
any other testing equipment – only a magnifier and warm place (35°C or incubator) are needed.
Biopaddle order codes and description
The following are the product codes and description:
Coliform testing
These presence-absence type tests are for coliforms and E. coli.
Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART)
With these tests you can check for slime forming bacteria, monitor for Iron Related Bacteria (IRB), Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) and Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (HAB).