Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Dissolved oxygen meters

Portable and pen-type meters for oxygen measurement.

email aqua@ecotao.co.za for prices


Some featured models

Extech SDL150: Dissolved Oxygen Meter/Datalogger

The Extech SDL150 Dissolved Oxygen Meter/Datalogger Records data on an SD card in Excel® format

DO600-K: Waterproof ExStik® II Dissolved Oxygen Meter Kit

Kit with DO600, replacement membrane kit, and 16ft (5m) extension cable with probe guard



  • Kit includes DO600 meter, DO603 membrane kit, 16ft (5m) extension cable, weighted probe guard and carrying case
  • Oxygen level displayed as % Saturation or Concentration (mg/L [ppm])
  • Adjustable Altitude Compensation (0-20,000ft in 1,000ft increments)
  • Adjustable Salinity Compensation from 0 to 50ppt
  • Analog bargraph indicates trends
  • Memory stores up to 25 data sets with DO and Temperature reading
  • Self calibration on power up
  • Data Hold, Auto power off, Low battery indicator

Extech DO610: ExStik® II DO/pH/Conductivity Kit

Measures Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity and Temperature

Extech DO610 kit

Extech DO610 measures dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity and temperature


Note salinity is to 10ppt, so this is not suitable for seawater.

Extech DO700: Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter

9-in-1 Meter with Lab Performance

Extech-DO700The 9-in-1 DO700 Kit measures DO concentration/saturation, pH, mV,  Temperature, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, and Resistivity. It features  automatic salinity compensation and manual barometric pressure  compensation for DO measurements. In addition, it has automatic one  button calibration of 4, 7 and 10 pH with a choice of three-point  calibration for better accuracy and it provides automatic temperature  compensation. Complete with DO probe, pH/mV/Temp electrode, polymer  Conductivity cell, pH and Conductivity calibration solutions, batteries  and hard carrying case.

Note that with only 1 connection, the probes need to be changed to read either oxygen or pH (mV & temperature) or conductivity.