Water enters as a vortex at the bottom and exits at the top. First unit is empty and other 2 units are filled with brushes to increase settlement. The system can handle up to 20m3/h. The vortex filter chamber should be 50 mm below the top lip when the pond is at its ideal level. The dimensions in cm is 145cm x 92cm x 92 cm.
Technical Data On The Vortex Filter
The Vortex filter has been developed for the serious koi keeper. It is based on the most up-to-date biological filtration available, together with serious consideration for cost-effective efficiency, flexibility and ease of maintenance. Most filters are design to trap and decompose solid waste. This waste does not disappear but is converted into soluble pollutants that add to the workload of the filter. The Vortex filter is the easy removal of this waste in your filter system. By removing this waste consisting of fish droppings, uneaten food, dead bacteria, leaves and algae efficiently will provide good quality water and healthy fish. This range of filter is based on the modular Vortex system, thus being flexible enough to cater for different stocking rates, different filter media characteristics and different installation options. The Vortex filter is suitable for pond volumes of 5000 to 40 000 liters. The filter is 1,100 meters high and has a diameter of 900 mm. These filters can be installed up to four in a row (see attached papers). All Vortex filters work on the principle of protected chamber filtration – the water flow is operated in a way which ensures the biological chambers are free from solid matter. A three-chamber system fed from one bottom drain, is designed to cope with 20 000 liters of water. A four-chamber system, fed from two bottom drains, using two sets of pipes work to transfer from chamber to chamber, can handle in excess of 30 000 liters of water. This last system can handle a flow in excess of 20 000 liters per hour.
Installation Instructions.
Once the combinations and installation option has been decided upon, the following installation procedure should be followed. First, select the site and dig the required size hole, taking cognizance of the desired water levels in the chambers in relation to that of the pond. The water level in the Vortex filter chamber should be 50 mm below the top lip when the pond is at its ideal level. Ensure that the soil at the bottom of the hole is compacted and check the levels again. Place the filter lid on the filter to prevent any distortion and position the filters, ensuring that they are level before connecting the pipes as well as the flushing/drainpipes. The highest point of the flushing/drain pipework should be at least 150 – 200 mm below the operational water level of the filer system. Dry river sand or good soil can be used to back fill the hole up to the top of the ground level. Make sure before you filled the hole that you check the system to make sure that there are no leaks. The Vortex filters can stand as high as 600 mm above ground level if need be. The support ring for the brushes is there for a dual purpose. It allows for the filter to be installed above ground level and also acts as a support surface for the pipe work that holds the brushes.
Other than the occasional flushing one or two times a week the Vortex filter needs very little maintenance to keep the water clean. The filters can be flushed with the pump running or switched off. To flush, open the ball valve in the flushing/drainpipe work only for a few seconds until clear water emerges from the pipe. To flush filters with filter media such as brushes, or any other filter medium in them the pump should first be switched off. Flushing of filter should take place at least once a week. Prior to flushing the filters with brushes as filter medium in them, first agitate the brushes to dislodge any solid waste adhering to them and allow a few minutes for the dirt to settle on the bottom of the cone where the drain hole is situated. The flushing frequency will depend on factors like stocking, feeding rate, what type of filter media used, water temperature and size of your filter system used.
All pipework between filters are the standard 110 mm PVC pipes, and all flushing/drainpipes are 50 mm PVC. There is no need to use silicone glue to ensure a good seal between inlets/outlets and the “O – Ring” in the 110 mm PVC pipe connections, but if silicone glue is used it will make the chances of a leak less. Flushing pipework must be glued (50 mm pipes).
General Installation Instructions.
By putting them in a line is the most effective way and you will have the best results for the solids to collect at the bottom of the Vortex cone part of the filter from where the solids can be flushed out by means of the drain valves. The brushes will need the occasional cleaning from time to time, but your maintenance on these new generation Vortex Filter combinations is less than 10 % compared to sand filters, plus the amount of water wasted is 90 % less. The other advantage above high-pressure filter systems is that your pump size can go down at least two sizes smaller, and the pump workload is 50 % lower than on a high-pressure system. With all the available pumps on the market a low wattage solar operated pump will even work on the system. On the Vortex Filter the entire system is a free-flow system with no unnecessary demands on the pump, you can almost work on a one-to-one basis on the flow rate of the pump, another cost saving on these filters if you compare them with the high-pressure filters that are available on the market.